Why I became a nutritional therapist.

Why I became a nutritional therapist.


Nutrition is an area I kind of fell into by accident. Whilst working long hours in a retail job in my early 20s, I noticed that I was holding onto my puppy fat a little harder than I would have liked. My interest in nutrition was sparked by my superficial want to look leaner but I didn’t want to lose weight via a harsh diet and researched into how I could do it as healthily as I could.

I ate up every bit of information I could and used myself as a guinea pig for the next year. I realised that by changing how I ate and how I moved - the constant bloating I had disappeared and my energy levels shot through the roof. I used to fall asleep without fail when I wasn’t working around 9pm, whether I wanted to or not due to exhaustion. That stopped when I ditched the pret breakfasts and lunches and started to prepare my own food.

It took another job, in hospitality this time, and a friend asking how to lose weight that I realised I could help people via nutrition. I wrote a little guide of all the things that I found to be helpful for my friend and when that made a difference for her - I knew I had to further my education properly in the field.

I have spent the last 3 years at the College of Naturopathic Medicine studying nutrition with a naturopathic and holistic approach. It has been such a fascinating, challenging and enjoyable 3 years. Student clinics have been a core part of my training for the last 2 years and watching people make the changes to their diet and lifestyle has been so rewarding.

Through my clinical experience so far, I have experienced just how powerful nutrition can be in making a difference in people’s symptoms and life. How you function and how you feel has such a far reaching impact in all aspects of our lives.

I cannot wait to create my own community of people who are wanting to make a change in their lives to optimise their health for the long term.

How I became a nutritional therapist.

Let’s talk about alcohol.

Let’s talk about alcohol.